Using Inertia to Your Advantage


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Inertia comes from the Latin root ‘iners’ meaning idle, and we often associate it with laziness. But in physics the word loses this negative association. It is alive with possibility. 

Describing inertia, Sir Isaac Newton says every body (you, me or that rolling stone that gathers no moss) “endeavors to preserve its present state, whether it be of rest or of moving uniformly forward in a straight line.”*

In other words, something that is still can’t take off on its own without an energetic jumpstart, and something that is moving can’t stop without external influences like gravity or friction.

What does this mean for human bodies? Well, have you ever noticed that the busiest people accomplish more than anyone else? This is because they are already in motion and if they are not, they know how to get going again. When moving forward, they aren’t slowed down by the ‘friction’ of movement-inhibiting habits like procrastination. They also use ‘gravity’ to their advantage, doing what they can do, and getting assistance with what they can’t do.

If you happen to be at a standstill, here are four techniques that can give you an energetic boost, propelling you into action.

  1. The Oh Boy! Factor (The Yes! in Success, p.302)
    Review your day aloud. With each item in your schedule exclaim, “Oh boy! (Yes!/Awesome!/ Great!) Today I get to (am looking forward to/ would love to/ can’t wait to) _________ [fill in the blank].”

    For example, I might say “Yes! I can’t wait to finish the last chapter in my book today!” Notice how this simple change in language can get you moving.

  2. Backing into Moving Forward (from a client)
    If the previous approach seems too glowingly positive and you need a more sober approach, try fooling your subconscious with baby steps:

    I’m not going to work on my book, but I’ll just go to my desk.”
    “I’m not going to write today, but I am going to boot up my computer.”

    “I’m not going to edit that last chapter, but I am going to read one sentence.”You get the idea. You may find yourself taking action in spite of your inner gremlins.

  3. Doing the Easy Things First
    This technique uses ‘gravity.’ Think about something you would like to do. There are always some simple, easy things related to this endeavor that can be done first. Identify those things and do them. Like running downhill, getting easy things done feels good. One accomplishment leads to another. The accumulated energy makes it easier to tackle those activities that are accompanied by the friction of technical glitches, fearful thoughts or naysaying from well-meaning friends.

  4. Move!
    Run. Dance. Walk. Exercise. Stretch. Breathe. Wiggle. Then come back to the drawing board. Whole-body movement gets your brain and body geared up for action. The benefit of more oxygen in your lungs and activated muscles? A clear head and more positive energy to get going with important projects.

Experiment with the techniques in this article. Have fun adapting them to your particular challenges and circumstances. If you are choosing a life of effective action, the inertia of the moving body is always preferable to the inertia of a body at a standstill. So, keep moving! 

 Except, of course, when you need some revitalizing rest or a good night’s sleep.

Celebrating your forward momentum!

*Isaac Newton, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy translated by Andrew Motte, 1st American Edition, New York, 1846, page 72.


Creatives’ Coach Eliza Bergeson is the author of The Yes! in Success: How To Be The Star You Are And Live The Life You Love.

She works her magic with creative individuals—entrepreneurs, speakers, writers, visual and performing artists; people who are ready to transform bright vision into gratifying outcomes in their businesses and their lives. If that sounds like you, visit her site,, for more FREE success-building resources.

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