Eliza’s Background


Okay. There’s way more on this page than you need to know about me and my experience. However . . .

If you are trying to decide whether one of my coaching programs or courses might be right for you or your organization, and if you want to know whether or not I really know my stuff, you will find some clues here. Have fun!

My Experience

Courses & Workshops

You'll notice that the courses below fall in one of four categories: business-building, personal growth, presentation and performance skills, and energy kinesiology.

MicroBusiness Mastery, with Eliza Bergeson and Bonnie Hershey

  • 2004-2016, Business in Balance. Brain Gym International Gathering, Ottawa, Canada & Lexington, MA. A four-day business building course for Brain Gym practitioners.
  • July 2010, The Heart of Listening. Brain Gym International Gathering, Holden, MA.
  • 2016-present, MicroBusiness Mastery/MicroBiz Mastery. An 8-month, online business-building course.
  • 2016 to present, MicroBiz Mastery. Business-building webinars, courses and coaching for microbusiness owners.

Personal Growth & Success Mastery Workshops, with Eliza Bergeson

  • 1996-1997, Walking Our Talk—Living & Learning on the Pathway of Peace. A personal growth workshop based on Seneca teachings.
  • 2012,'2012 & Beyond', Lexington MA. A New Year's readiness program.
  • 2013, The Three Spheres of Successful Living—How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be Using Your Internal Guidance System. Venues in PA, MA & NH.

Performance & Presentation Skills with Eliza Bergeson & Trice Atkinson

  • 1995-2000, Performance from the Heart with Eliza Bergeson. University of NH, and at music schools and studios in the greater Boston area.
  • 2002 & 2004, Presentations from the Heart with Eliza Bergeson. Brain Gym International Gathering, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • 2003, Talking up Your Business with Trice Atkinson & Eliza Bergeson. MicroCredit, Keene NH.
  • 2003, Powerful Presentations from Within with Eliza Bergeson. Springfield College, Vermont Legal Aid, Area Agency on Aging, VT.
  • 2005-2009, Dartmouth Graduates' Speak Easy Clinic with Eliza Bergeson.

Energy Kinesiology with Eliza Bergeson

  • 1989-1995, Dynamic Dancing. A day-long dance-based movement exploration. Venues in MA.
  • 1989-1995, Kinesiology for Daily Life. A two-day layman's intro to energy kinesiology. Venues in MA.
  • 2017 to present, Introduction to Energy Kinesiology. Venues in NH.

  • 1989-2010, Brain Gym® 101 with Eliza Bergeson. Public & private schools in MA, NH, VT & PA.
  • 2003-2010, Brain Gym Basics with Eliza Bergeson. A day-long introduction to Brain Gym 101, designed by Eliza Bergeson. Public & private schools in NH & VT.


  • Brain Gym Format Charts, Eliza Bergeson. 1990.
  • The Heart of Listening—Building Rapport in a Wealth-healthy Brain Gym® Business, Eliza Bergeson and Bonnie Hershey. Global Observer, Volume 1, No.2, Brain Gym International, Ventura, CA, August 2010.
  • The Yes in Success—How to Be the Star You Are and Live the Life You Love, Eliza Bergeson. Singing Brook Press, 2011.
  • Your Mirror Mentors–How to Find Confidence, Clarity and Can-do When You Need It Most, Eliza Bergeson. Singing Brook Press, 2011, revised 2020.
  • Using Brain Gym® to Develop Visual Skills, Eliza Bergeson, in Eyes for Learning: Preventing and Curing Vision-Related Learning Problems, Dr. Antonia Orfield. Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2007.

My Bios

Short Bio

Eliza Bergeson, M.Ed., an Energy Kinesiologist and Life Coach, has been in private practice since 1989. Her clients are creatives—entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, writers, and visual and performing artists. She is the author of The Yes in Success—How to Be the Star You Are and Live the Life You Love. She lives in rural south-western New Hampshire, where she finds inspiration exploring the region’s woodlands and waterways by foot, ski and kayak.

Full Bio

Eliza Bergeson, M.Ed. is an irrepressible innovator. She loves thinking outside the box, developing new ways to help clients take charge of their businesses and their lives. And when her clients step beyond perceived limitations into new and expanded ways of being . . . well . . . there’s nothing more magnificent!

Eliza’s transition, from the way-too-busy life of music teacher and theater director to the reasonably-paced life of an energy kinesiologist and mindset coach, was a natural one. And a smart one too. Within two years, her private practice became a full-time enterprise, assisting people of all ages to become their best selves and live their best lives.

In 1995, Eliza Bergeson and her colleague, Bonnie Hershey, founded the Kinesiology Connection and opened the doors for business. Though Energy Kinesiology and Brain Gym® were relatively unknown at that time, the center quickly became a hub for kinesiology activity nationwide.

Through Brilliance Unlimited, her current business, Eliza motivates creative professionals—entrepreneurs, speakers, writers, visual and performing artists—to take charge of their well-being and their success in life. Eliza’s book The Yes! in Success—How to Be the Star You Are and Live the Life You Love draws together the best of her coaching insights and techniques.

Oh, and the biggest benefit of owning her own business? Eliza gets to spend a good chunk of the day in her garden, in New Hampshire’s woods, or hiking up to her favorite 360° view.

Professional Markers in a Nutshell

  • 1979-1988, Music Teacher, Minneapolis and Boston area music & elementary schools.
  • 1988-1992, Artistic Director & Co-director, Belmont Children's Theater, Belmont MA.
  • 1989-1995, Owner, Pathways to Integration, Belmont MA.
  • 1989-2008, Licensed Brain Gym® Consultant, Practitioner & Instructor, New England.
  • 1989-present, Energy Kinesiologist, Personal, Small Business & Performance Coach, MA, VT, NH.
  • 1995-present, Teaching member of the Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge, under the inspiration and guidance of Grandmother Twylah Hurd Nitsch and Lynn Abbott, MA, VT, NH.
  • 1995-2001, Co-owner & Co-director, Kinesiology Connection, Lexington, MA.
  • 1998, Educational Kinesiology Award for Outstanding Service & Achievement.
  • 2004-2020, Co-owner & Co-director, Business in Balance/MicroBusiness Mastery/MicroBiz Mastery, NH.
  • 20O4-present, Owner and Director, Brilliance Unlimited, NH.
  • 2011-present, Owner and Director, Singing Brook Press, NH.

My Education

Formal Education

Each element in my education has given me gifts. Yes, have I learned basket-loads of concepts, techniques and methods which I have used to help hundreds of clients. I've also learned invaluable lessons that have provided the depth to my coaching that facilitates profound growth and transformation.

  • Bachelor of Arts—Music History and Voice, St. Olaf College, Northfield MN, 1978.

An intensive dive into music that gave me indepth experience with all aspects of performance. Also trained and developed my musician's ear.

  • Master of Education—a joint program between Dalcroze Eurhythmics at Longy School of Music and Creative Arts in Learning at Lesley College. Cambridge MA, 1984.

Learned how to take broad concepts and break them down into smaller teachable segments, and to design courses that address the various learning styles of my students.

Energy Kinesiology

  • Reiki, Level I with John Harvey Grey, and Tai Chi with Marie Favorito, Cambridge MA, 1987-1988.

Reiki sensitized my hands to the human energy field.

  • Brain Gym® Practitioner and Instructor (certified by Brain Gym International, Ventura CA), The Kinesiology Connection, Lexington, MA, 1989—2008.

This is the biggie! More than 10 years of on-going training gave me an extraordinary energy kinesiology tool bag. Learned muscle-testing techniques, how to read states of integration and stress in the body, how to analyze posture, body language and whole-body movement, and how to 'listen' with my whole body for information my that clients aren't able to verbalize consciously. Together, these abilities facilitate the changes that support ease in learning and performance.

  • Touch For Health Levels I, II & III

Learned the Chinese 5-Element system. Gained skill in working with major muscle groups of the body and learned to identify associated emotional and cogintive states.

  • Transformational Kinesiology, Levels I, II & III

Learned the importance of stepping beyond the personality level (ego) to view life from a soul-centered perspective.

  • Applied Resonance Therapy, with Lynn Abbott.

Gained facility with acupressure and allergy-relief techniques.

Additional Trainings

  • Seneca Philosophy including The Pathway of Peace and The Medicine Wheel of the Ages with Lynn Abbott under the guidance of elder Twylah Hurd Nitsche, Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge, 1990-1999.

Taught me the importance of choosing words with care, and to speaking and acting with conscious intent.

  • Re-evaluation Co-counseling, 1984-1989.

Gave me invaluable listening skills and deep appreciation for the importance of our emotions as transformational vehicles.

  • MentorCoach, a training program for coaches, 2002.

Discovered that over 2000 hours of energy kinesiology training, a Masters in Education, and years of coaching performance had given me exactly what I needed to facilitate positive growth and change! Yay!

  • Business-building programs: Up-Level Your Business with Chistine Kane, 2013; Client Attraction Business Program with Fabienne Fredrickson, 2015.

These programs helped me transition to an online business, having learned current best practices for thriving on the web.

  • Emotional Freedom Technique with Gary Craig.
  • Neurokinesiology (Integration of Dynamic and Postural Reflexes) with Svetlana Masgutova.
  • Bal-A-Vis-X with Bill Hubert & Candi Cosgrove.
  • Neural Emotional Pathways with Hugo Tobar.