Meet Eliza

35 Years Helping People Be Their Joyful,Creative, Inspired Best

Hi! I’m Eliza.

My greatest passion in life is bearing witness to crystalline moments when people discover their natural brilliance—moments of release so exhilarating it seems that the trumpets sound, the skies open and the waters part!

In these moments, people step beyond debilitating fears, refuse to settle for diminished living and, instead, choose a life of glorious, inspired expansion.

My coaching business, Brilliance Unlimited, was named in celebration of each of my client’s unique genius. I am in awe of the bright light within each and every one.

There has never been a better time
for you to step onto a bigger stage,
become the leader in your life
and let your light shine!

 My Crystalline Moment

A misstep off a city curb

You may have done something like this.

Over 30 years ago, I was teaching music at a private elementary school in downtown Boston. During an 80-hour theater production week, I was blindly racing along the sidewalk with a mountainous armload of colorful, spangled costumes for the next big musical theater extravaganza. Not able to see over the pile in my arms, I missed the curb’s edge and flew through the air, landing with a cushiony “whoomph” atop the costumes on the street in front of the school where I taught music.

No damage done, but my thinking was turned inside out. I had had enough. What if I had a new career that could “fit in my back pocket?”  Without heaps of costumes, make-up, musical instruments, props, or scenery? What if I had a career without a production crew?  

And what if this new career had no employer except me? No insane hours? What if I could take this work anywhere? Or better yet, had a center where people come to me?

All new thinking. I set up a brainstorming session with a trusted friend and designed my new life.

A crazy thing happens when you decide to go for change.
Change happens. Often quicker than you think.

I took a new part-time job as the director of a local children’s theater and used my flexible hours to get trained in an energy kinesiology method called Brain Gym®. This movement & body-based approach to learning and performance, along with all my theater experience was a dynamic combo.

I was in my element. A full-time practice, a fabulous business partner and a kinesiology center came into being in rapid succession.  

I have been helping gifted creatives*—like you—to do what they have always really wanted to do ever since.

*Who or what is a creative? A creative is a person who holds to a vision and actively seeks to realize that vision, bringing beauty, inspiration or new ideas to benefit their local communities and ultimately the whole planet.

Who are my clients?

Accomplished creatives

They are entrepreneurs, writers, speakers, studio and performing artists, wellness professionals and coaches. They are people of vision and initiative. Often leaders in their field of endeavor.

Sometimes creatives get stuck too. For any of a million reasons, they are not able to make changes in their lives. They are unable to move to the next level, do what they want to do or be who they want to be. You may be able to relate to this.

Some are stopped in their tracks by internal roadblocks. Performance blocks. Writer’s blocks. Communication snafus.

Some just can’t get their ideas off the ground. Their thinkers aren’t thinking clearly.  Organization, prioritizing and planning aren’t happening.

Stuckness may show up in their personal lives, their professional lives or, most often, both. It’s all to easy for creatives to get stuck when they try to keep their personal and professional lives separate. In order to thrive, creatives function best when all parts of their lives are integrated.

When my clients begin to recognize, in truth,
that they have one precious, interwoven life to live,
real change begins.

What I know about you?

 Two things

First of all—you are an innately brilliant, creative and capable person.

I can say this with confidence because each of the hundreds of clients I have worked with has areas in which they shine. Areas of competence that come from a totally unique life experience. This is true even if you secretly believe that others may be brilliant, creative and capable but certainly not you!

Second—most of what I have to teach you, you already know.

You are already successful in so many ways. I love it that I am here mostly to point a direction and remind you that you already have what it takes to do what you want to do.

Your next new steps are just that. Next steps. You learned how to take a step, and a next, and a next, a long time ago.

Magnolia & brook.snow.png

My commitment to you?

 Quite simply this:

To help you be the person you know in your heart you are,
doing what you really want to do.

I am committed to using everything I’ve learned from 30-plus years of coaching others,
to help you achieve your goals—both personal and professional.

I promise to listen deeply, encourage you, challenge you, roll up my sleeves and plan with you,
and celebrate each breakthrough, large or small!

 Four things that float my boat?

  • I need to see in the distance, awaken my senses and broaden my perspective.

    The best of what I have to offer you has been inspired by the natural world. Most of the photos and videos on this site are from my daily adventures.

    My book, The Yes! in Success, was "written," in large part, in local woodlands, and on waterways near my home.

  • I got the planning gene from my industrial-manager father who built 144 large ocean-going vessels during his long shipbuilding career. It was no surprise that the parent of one of my theater students took one look at my 8-foot long this-is who-does-what-and-when chart during the controlled chaos of production week and exclaimed, “General Schwarzkopf could have used you!”

    So yes, I can help you plan your next big endeavor.

  • Singing in harmony with friends is a real treat.  I can’t resist compose celebratory ditties for my dear ones on special occasions. I know thousands of melodies and tend to burst into song here and there to illustrate a point. It might be a theatery, music teachery kind of habit. But I like to keep things light and playful.

    When you work with me, you’ll find that your heaviest issues begin to feel lighter. Serious doesn’t have to mean heavy.

  • I can, dry and freeze all my garden goodies. The satisfaction I get, looking at this bounty in my freezer, is immeasurable. This year my grape juice is to die for!

    Clients who come for VIP days are more than happy to sit down to a vegetarian feast after a morning of mindset and strategy coaching.

I live in rural New Hampshire, surrounded by beauty that nourishes me daily. It’s not unusual to hear me say some version of, “I am SO lucky I get to see all this every day!”

It is my hope that you have daily reasons
to say something like this too!