“Just Do It!”
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Lloyd Bergeson at the Helm of Cockatoo !! in the Lofotens
The last time I saw my father, he gave me a gift—simple words of wisdom that inspire me to this day. For the previous two years, I had been visiting him in his memory care unit, sometimes daily.
Dad had shrunk to the size of an elf and his memory had shrunk too, but he was still a force to be reckoned with. Even though his memory of his past as a preeminent industrial manager and shipbuilder had slipped away, the motivating force that fueled these accomplishments was still vital. His eyes were bright, his enthusiasm intact and his can-do mindset was still healthy.
We sang. Sometimes danced. We spoke about Maine and about sailing, his great loves. And we always discussed my business. How is it doing? What are my next steps? How is my book coming along? He was always interested and encouraging.
In 1993 he helped me to create a plan for the Kinesiology Connection—a business that came into being two years later. His attitude was much along the lines of the saying, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” The how to do it was the easy part. Just a minor detail that could be implemented with some straightforward planning and diligence.
So, it wasn’t unusual that, as he escorted me down the hall to the exit, vigorously pushing his walker, dressed in his blue fleece and red cap, that we were discussing my work. At the door, we hugged. He looked at me with a wide grin and said with great zeal, “Just do it!”
He passed away a week later, leaving my siblings and me the legacy of his can-do mindset. We are all entrepreneurs, doing work for which we are well suited. And this mindset has made it possible for us to move forward with endeavors that might have stopped others.
I have noticed that this is the greatest gift I have been able to hand on to my clients and students—helping them move from “I’d love to . . . but . . . !” to “I know I can!” My clients have built businesses, started new careers, made big cross-country moves, developed their skills as speakers, writers, animal trainers and everything else previously unimaginable!
If you find yourself saying “I’d love to . . . but . . . !” here are suggestions which can give you a boost:
Take the Can-Do Mindset Quiz to assess your strengths and challenges in the Can-Do department. When you know exactly how you are getting hung up, you can make positive changes to increase your efficacy.
Read or listen to “Awaken Your Inner Can- Do!” for inspiration, encouragement and practical steps you can take to do what you want to do when you want to do it!
Read the chapter called Action in The Yes in Success, pages 159 to183, and implement your own brilliant ‘Kenneth Cole’ idea. What’s that? You will find out on pages 178 to 180!
Celebrating the Can-Do in you!!
PS: Read my blog post, A Ridiculous Amount of Confidence, to get another window into successful action as practiced by my father, Lloyd Bergeson.
Creatives’ Coach Eliza Bergeson is the author of The Yes! in Success: How To Be The Star You Are And Live The Life You Love.
She works her magic with creative individuals—entrepreneurs, speakers, writers, visual and performing artists; people who are ready to transform bright vision into gratifying outcomes in their businesses and their lives. If that sounds like you, visit her site, www.elizabergeson.com, for more FREE success-building resources.
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