Everyday Success
Every once in a while, I am inspired to share my thoughts with you.
A reflection. My latest techniques.
Or some entrepreneurial encouragement.
It’s a mixed bag, but a really helpful mixed bag.
I know there’s something in there for you.
I’ve included audio-versions for most of the posts in case you prefer to listen.
Personal Transformation | Business Growth | Inspiration
Sitting Pretty In Your Comfort Zone
Imagine a life of ease. Each day pleasantly surrounded by the familiar. No major challenges. Sounds good?We may try to create this life for ourselves by keeping our work, relationships and interests well within our comfort zone.
Summoning Your Transformation Genie
Once upon a time, there was a poor man who came into possession of a magic oil lamp housing a powerful wish-granting genie . . . Wouldn’t it be amazing to have your own genie, as Aladdin did?
Superfoods for Success
Superfoods like royal bee jelly and blue-green algae enhance our physical well-being. In the same way, there are states of being that enhance our emotional and mental well-being, contributing to success in life.
“Just Do It!”
The last time I saw my father, he gave me a gift—simple words of wisdom that inspire me to this day. For the previous two years, I had been visiting him in his memory care unit, sometimes daily.
Taking the Self Out of Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is the inner knowing that, despite any obstacles, we can be who we want to be, think for ourselves, speak with conviction and do what we choose to do. Self-confidence can shine inside us like . . .
Unplug to Tune In: A 20-Minute Tech Break
It’s a blue-sky day. Crystal clear tropical waters are gently lapping the shore. A family of four has gathered at the water’s edge for their annual here-we-are-in-paradise family photo. And they are all lost in gazing . . .
Romancing the Subconscious Mind
Have you ever had the experience of blurting something out which you never meant to say? Something that you never even knew you were thinking? We are like icebergs traveling through life with 10% . . .
A Ridiculous Amount of Confidence
I have been lucky. Throughout my career as a coach and kinesiologist, I have had a steady flow of referrals from doctors, therapists, teachers and enthusiastic clients who believe in my work.