Romancing the Subconscious Mind
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Have you ever had the experience of blurting something out which you never meant to say? Something that you never even knew you were thinking?
We are like icebergs traveling through life with 10% of our consciousness above water and available to us, and a huge 90% lurking below the surface, obscured by all kinds of watery conditions. (Just for the record, for icebergs it’s actually 12.5/87.5%) It’s not so easy to control or even know what may be hidden below the surface.
It makes sense that taking time each day to contact this elusive yet ever-present part of ourselves might be worthwhile in the long run. People who do take the time have measurably higher levels of well-being, brainpower, efficacy and satisfaction in life.
Meditation is one way to deepen this connection. In studies of brain activity in Buddhist monks, the University of Wisconsin’s Richard Davidson found that these long-time meditators have significant increases in left prefrontal lobe activity resulting in greater levels of health and happiness. The more experienced among them also have elevated Gamma brainwaves, supporting high-level mental activity and awareness. None of this is possible without strong teamwork between the conscious and subconscious minds.
We don’t have to run off to a monastery. There are simple things we can do each day to facilitate this teamwork. A walk in nature. Gently focusing on the breath. Journaling. Painting. A quiet moment of reflection.
Many YESercises from The Yes! in Success are designed to strengthen this internal communication. If you would like to enhance this connection, check out the Morning Star Intention and Three Centers on pages 30-31 and 257-268 in The Yes! in Success.
When we dedicate time each day to romancing the subconscious mind, our everyday becomes a love affair with life.
We experience new ways of thinking, flashes of insight and heightened inspiration.
We are smarter, happier and equipped with all we need to thrive.
Celebrating your brilliant subconscious mind!
Creatives’ Coach Eliza Bergeson is the author of The Yes! in Success: How To Be The Star You Are And Live The Life You Love.
She works her magic with creative individuals—entrepreneurs, speakers, writers, visual and performing artists; people who are ready to transform bright vision into gratifying outcomes in their businesses and their lives. If that sounds like you, visit her site,, for more FREE success-building resources.
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