When Only the Boldness of Superheroes Will Do!


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Shrinking Violet Syndrome, or S.V.S., is a serious condition that affects people from all walks of life, and women business owners in particular.

People afflicted with this syndrome sit on the edges of life’s dance floor, afraid to participate, take effective action and follow through on intentions. They don’t like to make waves, or, horror-of-all-horrors, attract attention. They embrace invisibility as a way of life.

This is just fine until these people want to accomplish something that involves speaking, making requests, communicating preferences and cooperating with others. The mere prospect of increased visibility may cause profuse sweating, shaking and racing heartbeat, all common symptoms of S.V.S.. Feedback of any kind, including positive acknowledgement for valued efforts and contributions, can be painful.

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Shrinking Violet Syndrome works like a virus in the brain’s thought processes, broadcasting crippling messages like “not good enough,” “not smart enough,” “not possible,” “don’t know enough,” — messages that inspire trepidation and fear in the afflicted. S.V.S. destroys a person’s perspective and self-confidence so that he or she loses all hope that this condition can improve.

This may seem like a no-win situation. But there is a totally natural, cost-effective cure! Boldness. Offered for free by the superhero of one’s choice, boldness works instantly to restore healthy thought-processes and enthusiasm for all of life’s endeavors.

If you suffer from S.V.S, here’s what you can do in five easy steps for instant relief. You will be play-acting so, if you are a very serious person, put that persona aside for the moment. It’s worth the temporary discomfort!

  1. Identify the dominant crippling message that stops you from stepping out as a decisive, pro-active leader in your business or your own life.

  2. Call to mind a larger-than-life person who embodies boldness. They can be real or fictional, living or not alive at this time. Choose someone who inspires you and would be invulnerable to any of the debilitating messages that hobble you: a mentor, teacher, beloved friend or family member, movie star, superhero, god or goddess.

  3. Can’t think of anyone? Design your own superhero and give yourself a powerful new name: The Blaze, Star Woman, The Dynamo. Along with this name, choose a bold superpower you would love to embody, like the ability to fly, see into the future or instantaneously manifest your visions in 3D reality.

  4. Step into the shoes of your hero. How do you look? How big are you? What are you wearing? How are you standing? Practice moving like your hero. Stride, sashay, swoop or stomp. Speak like your hero. Bellow, proclaim or state with eloquence and equanimity.  Enact a few real-life situations in which you tend to hold back. Notice positive changes in your posture, coordination, thinking or speech. As you notice, your brain/body system is recallibrating to new levels of self-confidence.

  5. With your hero embodied, move out into your life. Others may not see your crown, golden cape or winged boots, but they will be inspired by your confidence, strength and superhero-ness.

The Yes! in Success is full of techniques, exercises and games to strengthen your inner superhero. Check out the chapters on Emotion, Attention and Action. Then play with Kali’s Breath (p.253), Star Shapes (p.256), Expanding Universe (p.270), and Mirror Mentor: Power Summit (p.316).

Enjoy the freedom and accomplishment that your new boldness brings!

Celebrating your superpower!

P.S. If you suffer a relapse of S.V.S., don’t worry! It is temporary. Just make a bowl of popcorn or curl up with a good book. Take comfort in knowing that your inner superhero is at work behind the scenes, increasing your boldness-factor for your next foray in the world as the leader in your own life.


Creatives’ Coach Eliza Bergeson is the author of The Yes! in Success: How To Be The Star You Are And Live The Life You Love.

She works her magic with creative individuals—entrepreneurs, speakers, writers, visual and performing artists; people who are ready to transform bright vision into gratifying outcomes in their businesses and their lives. If that sounds like you, visit her site, www.elizabergeson.com, for more FREE success-building resources.

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