Summoning Your Transformation Genie
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Once upon a time, there was a poor man who came into possession of a magic oil lamp housing a powerful wish-granting genie . . .
Wouldn’t it be amazing to have your own genie, as Aladdin did? A genie who says, “Your every wish is my command.” A genie on permanent loan to create the life you have been longing to live.
Well, the fact is that each of us has access to such a genie. Unlike Aladdin’s genie, ours lives in a magnificent vessel as precious as life itself. Our genie lives in a human vessel and is so much a part of us that we may not know he or she is there. This genie aids us in becoming all we were meant to be. This is our Transformation Genie.
Aladdin’s genie was activated when he polished the oil lamp. Transformation Genies are summoned each time we consciously engage in the present moment: tuning into our sensations, thoughts, words and actions. They facilitate communication between our conscious, everyday mind and our inner being—the source of all joy, creativity and inspiration.
Each time we consciously engage in the present moment—tuning into our sensations, thoughts, words and actions—we become that genie. The real magic begins when we start to recognize and celebrate this genie in each of us. Infinitely powerful, capable and beautiful.
Personal transformation happens in stages.
Each time we transform, we are answering an inner call for expansion.
When we finally spread our wings to share our true and magnificent colors with the world, we are fulfilling an unspoken promise we made the day we were born.
We are becoming who we are meant to be.
Transformation Genies know this and consciously facilitate this very natural process in themselves and others. Some quietly work their wonders among friends, family, co-workers and business associates. Others hang out a shingle as a coach, teacher or mentor.
And some Transformation Genies step on the global stage:
Oprah, encouraging us to look courageously at our personal dragons, tame them or send them packing.
Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, mentoring success in life and business.
Dr. Christiane Northrup, empowering women to educate themselves, taking charge of their health and well-being.
These luminaries can only do this because they walk their talk. They take time to consciously align with their Transformation Genie. They are committed to their personal growth. Each of us has this capacity if we choose to use it.
If you haven’t yet made this a daily habit, it’s never too late. Summoning forth your Transformation Genie is simple and easy, requiring only one thing—the commitment to do so.
There is no right way to become present. There are as many ways to accomplish this as there are people on planet earth. A quiet cup of tea, attention on the breath, gardening or doodling. Any transformative exercises or games you may know from workshops you have attended. Anything you do with awareness.
All of the PowerPlay and YESercises in The Yes! in Success, pages239-337, are designed to cultivate awareness and open channels of communication with your inner being.
However, Transformation Genies do thrive on a regular schedule. They like to know that you will be doing 10 minutes of slow, conscious stretching at the beginning of each day. Or can expect a long mid-day walk. Or can look forward to a 20-minute meditation before dinner.
It doesn’t matter what you choose to do to bring yourself into the present moment, only that you do it each day. Put it in your schedule and stick to it.
You will know you are present when all the mind chatter stops and you can really see, hear, and feel what’s happening both within your body and in your surroundings.
Transformation Genies love this state of inner quiet. At these times they are able to address your greatest personal tangles, challenges or questions. You may be surprised by the wisdom and know-how these genies have to offer!
Celebrating your Transformation Genie!
Creatives’ Coach Eliza Bergeson is the author of The Yes! in Success: How To Be The Star You Are And Live The Life You Love.
She works her magic with creative individuals—entrepreneurs, speakers, writers, visual and performing artists; people who are ready to transform bright vision into gratifying outcomes in their businesses and their lives. If that sounds like you, visit her site,, for more FREE success-building resources.
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