Everyday Success
Every once in a while, I am inspired to share my thoughts with you.
A reflection. My latest techniques.
Or some entrepreneurial encouragement.
It’s a mixed bag, but a really helpful mixed bag.
I know there’s something in there for you.
I’ve included audio-versions for most of the posts in case you prefer to listen.
Personal Transformation | Business Growth | Inspiration
Sitting Pretty In Your Comfort Zone
Imagine a life of ease. Each day pleasantly surrounded by the familiar. No major challenges. Sounds good?We may try to create this life for ourselves by keeping our work, relationships and interests well within our comfort zone.
Summoning Your Transformation Genie
Once upon a time, there was a poor man who came into possession of a magic oil lamp housing a powerful wish-granting genie . . . Wouldn’t it be amazing to have your own genie, as Aladdin did?