Everyday Success
Every once in a while, I am inspired to share my thoughts with you.
A reflection. My latest techniques.
Or some entrepreneurial encouragement.
It’s a mixed bag, but a really helpful mixed bag.
I know there’s something in there for you.
I’ve included audio-versions for most of the posts in case you prefer to listen.
Personal Transformation | Business Growth | Inspiration
Superfoods for Success
Superfoods like royal bee jelly and blue-green algae enhance our physical well-being. In the same way, there are states of being that enhance our emotional and mental well-being, contributing to success in life.
Taking the Self Out of Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is the inner knowing that, despite any obstacles, we can be who we want to be, think for ourselves, speak with conviction and do what we choose to do. Self-confidence can shine inside us like . . .