Boldness Has Genius, Power and Magic In It
Every once in a while, I awaken from a deep sleep, aware that I have had another ‘teaching dream’— a dream in which I am given clear instructions for living.
Recently, on the heels of writing my newsletter about procrastination, I had a teaching dream that surprised me. A group of enlightened beings told me that boldness is the primary attribute a human must embody, not only for survival, but ‘thrival’ on this rough and tumble planet of ours.
I was initially puzzled. On the continuum from confidence to courage to boldness, boldness is not always viewed as a positive attribute, particularly in women. As a woman in business for myself, I tend to procrastinate due to fear of putting myself out there, promoting my work and going for what I really want. Definitely a boldness deficit!
I know I am not alone in this. Many of my clients over the years have struggled to reach out and fully embrace life. Some have been young ones with a diagnosed failure to thrive while others have been adults in the midst of a busy, productive life who are somehow unable to do what they really want to do. The seeking system, an emotional operating system* that ensures survival, is activated at birth as we reach out for simple things: nourishment, warmth, comfort. Later this same system supports our active engagement in life as we pursue a rich and rewarding earthly experience.
The antidote to all this timidity, shrinking, hiding, and holding back is boldness.
Boldness has a sparkle, snap and energy that simple confidence or even courage can’t match. Boldness involves a full-body “Yes!” to everything that life dishes up. The best way to encourage boldness in business, performance, public speaking or life is to act as if, embodying positive attributes and becoming some superhero or larger than life person who we admire. When we move, speak and think as these luminaries do, our bodies and subconscious minds learn new, powerful and exciting ways of being.
The poet-philosopher Goethe knew what he was talking about when he wrote: “Boldness Has Genius, Power and Magic in It.”
Celebrating the boldness in you!
PS: Check out my FREE e-Book, Your Mirror Mentors: How to Find Confidence, Clarity & Can-do When You Need it Most. Also, if working with your inner superheroes seems like a good approach to confidence-building, read my post, When Only the Boldness of Superheroes Will Do. You can find both on my website,
*You can find further information about Jaak Panksepp’s emotional operating systems in The Yes! in Success, pages 67-70.
Creatives’ Coach Eliza Bergeson is the author of The Yes! in Success: How To Be The Star You Are And Live The Life You Love.
She works her magic with creative individuals—entrepreneurs, speakers, writers, visual and performing artists; people who are ready to transform bright vision into gratifying outcomes in their businesses and their lives. If that sounds like you, visit her site,, for more FREE success-building resources.
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