Everyday Success
Every once in a while, I am inspired to share my thoughts with you.
A reflection. My latest techniques.
Or some entrepreneurial encouragement.
It’s a mixed bag, but a really helpful mixed bag.
I know there’s something in there for you.
I’ve included audio-versions for most of the posts in case you prefer to listen.
Personal Transformation | Business Growth | Inspiration
Of Oak Trees and Social Media—a reflection
March 31, 2009. That’s the day I opened my Linked In account. At that time, I was about three months into my first draft of The Yes! In Success. I am guessing that I thought it was a good idea to start playing with a friendly social media platform . . .
Boldness Has Genius, Power and Magic In It
Every once in a while, I awaken from a deep sleep, aware that I have had another ‘teaching dream’— a dream in which I am given clear instructions for living. Recently, on the heels of writing my newsletter about procrastination . . .
Gandhi and Me
When I first became an energy kinesiologist back in 1989, I was concerned. If I was going to be in a position of facilitating change, there would be times I would be offering advice. Would I have the integrity to walk my talk?
Stepping onto a Bigger Stage
For many years, I suffered from an acute case of Shrinking Violet Syndrome or S.V.S.. I was more comfortable sneaking around the edges of life, dodging acknowledgement rather than standing center stage, visible and at ease.
What Microbes May Have to Do With Taking Charge in Your Life
I’m puzzled. Over the past 3 months, my kefir has been acting strangely. Kefir is a fermented, milk-based beverage that originated in the Caucasus Mountains of Russia and Georgia. For generations this microbial brew . . .